• Application Guidelines


    ENGINE Shorts is a training & production scheme for new and emerging filmmaking talent who are based primarily in any part of Tipperary, Clare or Limerick. It is not a bursary scheme. It requires participants to participate in all elements of the training programme for the full duration of the programme, from script development to post-production deliverables.


    We want to support and help to further develop a vibrant film scene in the region and for that reason this scheme is aimed at supporting emerging filmmakers who have decided to base themselves and develop their careers from the Mid-West.


    Who is the scheme for?


    The scheme is open to new and experenced screenwriters, and directors and producers with experience of filmmaking, or practitioners working in other mediums such as television, theatre, literature and other forms of visual and/or performing arts who wish to move into working in narrative fiction filmmaking.


    Students in full-time education and those under 18 are not eligible to apply as writers, directors or producers but they may be able to work in some assistant crew roles and can attend any training events that are only to the wider public. Commissioned projects will call for crew at a later stage.


    What is an emerging filmmaker V an aspiring filmmaker?


    What we mean by an emerging filmmaker is someone who has experience in filmmaking already. Perhaps making some self-funded or student productions as a writer, producer or director, but still working towards developeing a career in Film / Television, and making a first feature / TV drama.


    Aspiring directors or producers - without experience of directing or producing are not eligible to apply for this scheme, with the exception being those who have experience in another visual and /or performing art form that they can evidence.


    New screenwriters with no previous experience CAN apply.


    Teams or Individual applications


    You can apply as an individal Writer or as part of a team, with a producer and/or director also in place.


    Projects without producers or directors will have the chance (and responsibility) to attach these roles if shortlisted.




    We encourage applications from those who are proportionately under-represented within the screen industries, disabled people, minority ethnic communities, women, LGBTQI+ groups and those who have been socially and economically disadvantaged by their circumstances and upbringing.


    We are aware of the lack of diversity in the screen industries and we want to work to improve this. We want to see stories on screen that reflect life in the Mid-West region and we want to see crew that are made up of members from across all of our communities.


    What are we looking for?


    Engine Shorts is looking to support creative and ambitious voices to realise stories that have the potential to engage a wide audience.


    The filmmakers that tend to succeed are the ones who work incredibly hard to research and learn the craft, and who push their stories to create the best films they possibly can. Engine Shorts is designed to support those who not only have interesting ideas, but who are also serious about developing scripts and collaborating with other talent to make the best films that they can.


    We want to see hidden worlds, screen-worthy characters and creativity, not imitation. Moments that work as short films, not truncated feature ideas. Give us what-if? Not so-what!


    Note that ideas that are adaptions are only eligible if you already own the rights to the original material and you can evidence this.


    Please note the following parameters for the scheme:


    Budget: up to €12,500, some commissioned films may receive smaller budgets.

    Further funding can be raised independently but must be in place at time of application and credit guidelines must be followed.

    Content: This training scheme supports narrative fiction films. It doesn't fund documentary or animation project. All genres are eligible within narrative fiction filmmaking.


    Duration: Maximum duration for films is 12 minutes including all credits, but we encourage films with a shorter duration that this.


    Eligibility Checklist:


    - Aged 18 or older.

    - Main applicant MUST be based full-time in Limerick, Tipperary or Clare.

    - Screenwriters - both experienced and first-time screenwriters can apply.

    - Experience of filmmaking if applying in a producer or director role. Exemption for individuals with strong experience in other visual art forms.

    - ALL WRITERS MUST BE PRIMARILY BASED IN THE REGION (any part of Tipperary, Clare or Limerick)

    - Team applications - 2 of 3 roles must be based in region, 3rd role must have very strong links to region (see F.A.Q for more).

    - Full-time students are not eligible.

    How to Apply

    At this stage, we are only accepting applications from writers. You can add producer and director roles to your team at a later stage. Please use the link below to apply before the closing date.


    You can apply now by filling out the application form here.


    Before applying, you will need to prepare the following information to upload when applying:


    - A Story Outline (Max 2 pages)

    - A Personal Statement - why and how you want to make the film? 1 statement per project. (Max 2 pages)

    - A Short Bio. (One file - max 1 pages)


    - A full-script (approx. 10 pages) is OPTIONAL - YOU DO NOT NEED TO SUBMIT A SCRIPT AT THIS STAGE.

    - Web link(s) to previous work that is available to view online - vimeo / youtube / imdb links etc. Optional but recommended if available..


    > F.A.Q.